Congratulations to our 2020/2021 Bursary Recipients!

Congratulations to our 2020/2021 Bursary Recipients!
Our club was so excited to be able to award not one, but FOUR Kin Canada Bursaries to these amazing, hardworking, community-minded students for their 2020/2021 post-secondary school year.

Congratulations Brittany, Charlotte, Kylie and Amy!

Bursaries are received and scored at the club level, then the highest-ranked are sent to the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund, where the national Board of Trustees score all the endorsed bursaries from across Canada. The number of bursaries awarded each year is dependent on the total amount of donations the program received in the previous year.
Our club truly believes in the importance of our Kin Canada Bursaries program. Each we support the fund with donations to ensure as many students as possible can receive these bursaries.

* we’ll be posting our 2021/2022 bursary recipients once we can safely connect with them! ✨

#KinCalgary #Kinettes #D4Kin #CalgaryKinettes
#KinCanadaBursaries #SupportingCanadianStudents #HREF #EducationChangesLives

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