

There is something about the holiday season that calls to a special place within each of us.  There is something about the magic in the air that makes us want to ensure no one is left behind.

The Kinette Club of Calgary’s Adopt-A-Family program provides Christmas hampers to low-income families referred to us by social workers / counsellors working in recognized social service agencies. Eligible families cannot have received a hamper in the past three years and will not receive any other hamper during the holiday season.

If you have any questions, please use the contact form to email us!

2024 Adopt-A-Family (AAF) Information:

Donor registration for 2024 will open October 1st, 2024. If you would like to Adopt-A-Family for Christmas, please access the donor registration link HERE after that date!
Donor registrations will close on Friday November 8, 2024.

Drop-Off Day/Location – Hamper drop-off takes place on Saturday, November 30th, 2024 exclusively. In special circumstances, we may be able to schedule and accept a drop-off on the afternoon of Friday, November 29th. If you are NOT able to drop off the hamper on these dates, please find someone who can, OR consider donating gift cards or making a monetary donation, that can go towards a hamper for a family instead. Please indicate AAF in the appropriate field if making a financial donation. DONATE NOW.

We are streamlining the 2024 tax receipting process. Once matched with a family, you will receive via email further information on completing the tax receipt forms.

All sponsors will need to complete a gift card inventory form. Please download the physical form below, fill it in, print it off and attach it to your envelope of gift cards for your sponsored family: 

Download Gift Card Inventory Form

We accept cash donations for Adopt-A-Family all year round. To make a cash donation DONATE NOW and please indicate the donation be directed to AAF.

Please be assured that no funds are allocated to salaries/wages as this essential program is entirely volunteer-run. 

100% of ALL donations received will support this program and the hundreds of families we help each Christmas! Thank you!

Supplementary Gift Card Donors:
If you are unable to commit to adopting an entire family, you can still order gift cards for us to give directly to families in need, or to use for things like gas for our drivers,  by having them shipped directly to our address:

Kinette Club of Calgary
311 – 1500 14th St. SW
Calgary AB, T3C 1C9

Please go to and click on “support a group” and enter the invitation code: VQK7D7
Gift cards may take up to 2 weeks to be delivered. Please note we will need these in hand by no later than Nov 13, 2024. 

We are always in need of grocery and other gift cards (Walmart, Superstore, Old Navy, and Children’s Place are some of the most common needs we have).

Referring Agencies:
All referrals to our program MUST come through a registered social agency. We request that all families being referred are actively participating in a social program within the referring agency.
New and returning referring agencies are invited to attend our 2024 Adopt-A-Family Agency training session online – Friday September 27th, 2024 at 1:30pm.
Agency referrals open on October 1, 2024.
Referrals for our 2024 Adopt-A-Family for Christmas program will close on Friday November 1st.

Families Looking to Be Adopted
If you are a family looking to be adopted for Christmas and you are not actively working with a social worker at an agency, please phone 211 to be directed to other social agencies that fit the needs of your family. We know it’s going to be a tough year for many families, and we hope you are able to find another suitable program.

Online Strategies by Seeger Consulting Inc.
© 2020 The Kinette Club of Calgary

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